
HBSecurity offers a set of aluminum railings for protection against falling from a height and for securing roof access points, but only for roofs not accessible by unauthorised personnel. The railings comply with Leg. Decree No. 81/08, NTC 2018 and UNI EN 14122-3. Their simplicity and quick installation allow their use also as suitable temporary protection. The railing uprights have a tapered shape on the front to allow for better integration with the building structure.
Railings consist of an aluminum upright section that can be straight, inclined or curved. The rails are aluminum pipes with 30 mm diameter, one placed at a height of 1100 mm from the treading surface and another spaced 500 mm from the top rail. The set of adjustments and the horizontality of the rails are ensured by a bar that slides inside the upright. The railings can be adapted to any kind of roof thanks to the joining elements.
When the railing is to be installed on the external edge of a roof or when the roof has no spandrel, a continuous toe board adaptable to the brackets of the railings must be installed. All railings are supplied with user manual and certificate of conformity with European standard UNI EN 14122-3 released by Apave (independent certifying body).

In addition to railings to be mounted directly to the building structure, HBSecurity offers free-standing railings. In this case, railing stability is guaranteed by the use of concrete counterweights fastened to the end of the base.  The counterweights, together with the front plate, are protected by a plastic container to help them stay watertight and to prevent damage to the roofing. Free-standing railings can also be collapsible. For further specification or for a quotation for your roof, contact the HBSecurity engineering department directly.




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